One Strategy Group (OSG) is a leading boutique career consulting platform that provides professional and personalized career consulting services for international students worldwide. With a presence in the U.S., U.K., and China, OSG aims to empower Chinese students to break into top financial institutions and consulting companies by enhancing their professional knowledge, technical expertise, and communication skills. Additionally, OSG is committed to sharing the latest and most insightful analysis on recruiting information across various industries.
A Global Network of Expert Mentors
OSG employs full-time employees in the U.S. and the U.K. to ensure 24/7 recruiting services for all mentees. Their mentorship team comprises professionals working at elite investment banks, hedge funds, private equity firms, and consulting companies. These mentors possess exceptional professional qualifications and have undergone rigorous training and assessments on teaching methodologies.
Comprehensive and Personalized Services
OSG understands that each student’s career goals and circumstances are unique. Therefore, they offer a range of services tailored to meet individual needs. They provide curriculum plans, background enhancement, and job exploration guidance. Also, they assist students in switching career objectives halfway by building fundamentals, deepening industry understanding, and improving interview performance. OSG offers professional mentors and resources for application materials, networking, and assistance breaking cultural barriers.
OSG’s career advisory services serve overseas students throughout their careers. OSG mentors prepare students for forthcoming interviews by teaching interview methods and technical knowledge, writing assessments, and holding mock interviews. OSG also helps with stock pitches, market news, M&A deals, and case studies to imitate real-world situations beyond interview preparation. With OSG’s particular “alumni network,” students can benefit from U.S. and U.K. associates’ skills and contacts. OSG helps its mentees succeed in their careers.