Reducing Your Chances Of Varicose Veins In The Workplace

Reducing Your Chances Of Varicose Veins In The Workplace

Varicose veins can occur from standing or sitting in the same position for too long. There are various kinds of job roles where one has to sit or stand for a long time. These people are more at risk of developing varicose veins than others. If you work a job like this one and have been noticing changes in your legs, they may be signs of varicose veins.

Fortunately, there are ways you can lower your chances of getting varicose veins by adopting a few lifestyle measures. Plenty of movement throughout the day and some exercise are enough to keep your blood running through your veins and not getting collected in one place. If you are struggling with the condition, consult an expert for Plantation varicose veins today.

Ways to reduce your risk of varicose veins in the workplace

  1. Do not sit for long stretches.

The number one suggestion to prevent varicose veins is not to sit long. Leading a sedentary lifestyle prevents your blood from flowing through your veins properly. Instead, it pools behind them and makes them swell. If your job requires you to sit in one place for long hours, consider taking breaks between regular intervals and doing stretching exercises.

  1. Change your position frequently.

Along with exercising and stretching between work, make sure you change your sitting position at regular intervals. Sitting in the same pose can stop the valves in your veins from functioning as they are meant to. Consider moving your body even if you cannot exercise in certain situations.

  1. Avoid prolonged standing.

Just like sitting for too long is bad for your veins and blood circulation, so is prolonged sitting. While standing does not come under a sedentary lifestyle, standing still and not doing any activity can be harmful as well. For example, the job of a security guard may involve standing in the same position all day or night. Gravity makes it difficult for the blood in your veins to travel up to your heart.

  1. Watch your weight.

Obese and overweight people are more likely to get varicose veins than people who watch their diet and weight. Losing a few pounds take the pressure off your veins. You would be surprised to learn how much difference losing 10% of your weight can make.

  1. Do not smoke cigarettes.

If you smoke cigarettes, you must already know of their harmful effects on your body. In case you did not know, cigarette smoking can drastically increase your chances of developing cardiovascular and circulatory problems. This includes varicose veins.


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